Getting Started With Godot — Step By Step Game Development Tutorial Series

Welcome to the first in hopefully an on-going series of tutorials that illustrate how to create a simple but complete side-scrolling video game. For this tutorial, we will be using the Godot game engine. We will illustrate the process step by step but will not be going into a great deal of WHY things work the way they do. Fortunately, I’ve already got a complete Godot tutorial series covering that!

The art for this tutorial series was created by Robert over at It includes a number of sprites, backgrounds, images for UI, and more. Everything you see in this tutorial and more are available for download completely free. Robert has additional sprites in the same art style that can be used to expand upon this game, so be sure to check them out.

All of the source code and assets for this project are hosted on Github. If you are a Patreon, you can get the e-book versions of this tutorial and the raw graphics assets.

Without further ado, let’s jump in and create a complete 2D game using the Godot game engine!

You can play the completed game by clicking here or clicking the image below.  Fly up and down using arrow keys and shoot with the spacebar.  Please note, due to recent changes to Google Chrome, you may not hear sound.

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